Dr. Maarten Stapper is a farming systems agronomist who’s main focus is helping farmers improve the profitability of their operations by harnessing the power of natural healthy soil processes.
Maarten believies that by improving the use of inputs and understanding those practices that negatively impact on soil health farmers can have a positive impact on their land and production.
His Message
Maarten believies that by improving the use of inputs and understanding those practices that negatively impact on soil health farmers can have a positive impact on their land and production.
Dr Maarten Stapper describes a holistic picture of sustainable biological agriculture and how to get there through practice, science and thinking, to enable feeding the world and to slow climate change.
That is, ecological agriculture with biological-organic-biodynamic practices in holistic, whole, healthy farming systems producing wholesome food for healthy people. Healthy soils are the foundation of such systems, making our current genes productive and eradicate the need to play the dangerous game of GM.
Find out more about Maarten and his message here or search the knowledge base compiled on this site.
Harnessing over 30 years experience as a scienetist and agronomist Dr Maarten Stapper now works as a private consultant assisting farmers in the transition from industrial to biological farming systems.
Maarten speaks regularly across the continent and can provide a range of consulting services to groups and individuals.
Check the calendar to find out where Dr. Stapper is speaking next or find out more about his services.