The Australian Story Guestbook message board received many posts from viewers regarding the topic ‘Back to Earth’. Here is one example of a post from thankful viewer:
“The programme on Monday was both newsworthy, informative and empowering.”
“The stance of the CSIRO and the potential loss of investigation of biological farming and related methods such as biodynamic farming that appear to both increase yield, assist natural life such as the ladybirds to multiply and revitalise the soil is unfathomable. The savings outlined to one farmer alone of $20,000 and the untold benefits that could translate into public health promotion and savings – in an era where there is an increasing number of people with environmental sensitivities, food intolerances, ibs and ibd -when multiplied speak for themselves.”
“Congratulations to the research and production team, Margaret for the introduction, Maarten for his resilience and the farmers for witnessing the proof is in the pudding. This story would be worthy of a followup in this forum or another.”
Click here to view full Australian Story Guestbook on the topic ‘Back to Earth’